Who We Are

David Turner is private practice psychotherapist and artist living in Richmond, VA. He was born in New York City in May, 1939, six months after Kristalnacht, Germany's massive pogrom against the Jews, and six months before the SS issued and executed the first orders singling out Polish Jewry for death. For David, Auschwitz is ever present. He sees himself not as just another American artist who matured in the shadow of The New York School; nor just an artist who happens to have been born a Jew. David sees himself, as he views every Jew alive in the wake of the Holocaust, as a child of Shoah. It is this awareness that defines his life and drives his work. For more about David' work visit: jewishdenial.blogspot.com.

Slash Coleman is a professional storyteller best known for his award-winning PBS special, "The Neon Man and Me." Descended from a grandfather who was a dancer at the Moulin Rouge, both his grandparents worked for the French Resistance before immigrating. Much of Slash's material addresses the outright humor of being raised Jewish in the south by a family of immigrants and his stories speak of the profound cultural challenges he's experienced and the inspiration he continues to draw from his mother who is a Holocaust survivor. For more about Slash's work visit slashcoleman.com.